Not a bad pack to get but really not worth it if you own the originals

User Rating: 8 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
The First Decade is a good all round box set but its lacking still.

In this box set you get all the Command and Conquer Games that were made in the first decade (everything up to CNC3 Tiberium wars basically) and if you don't own many or any of the first versions then you might consider getting this set but it still has its flaws unfortunately.

The biggest flaws fall in with the older command and conquers mainly the very first command and conquer and red alert. There are a few things missing manly a few cut scenes and music files, there is also a few bugs that still remain from the original versions, there is a patch that can fix the missing video and music files but the main bugs don't seem to have been fixed. Also if you like playing over a LAN you can't as it seems to have been removed you click the button and nothing happens this applies to all the games apart from Renegade, Generals and Zero Hour, those are the only ones that you can play over a LAN (and they are exactly as reliable as the original versions were).

Other than those major issues its a good game set you get all the classics that run fairly well on XP and XP only, its just that the set feels more like quick slapped together job to get it to work with XP, mainly removing the LAN on the older games (or that it doesn't work either way it could be better in that area). You also get a small poster of an Ion Cannon render and a GDI tank. The bonus DVD is fairly good to watch on the first time but its nothing too spectacular it has a few interviews players and developers of the series and a small documentary of how this set was made.

Overall an ok set but it still needs more work mainly the bugs from the old games and the LAN play issues but its unlikely EA will make another patch