Every C&C game made so far on one DVD and a bonus DVD of Fan videos! What more could you want?

User Rating: 9.2 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
This is an AWESOME collection. I mean, seriously, for 40 bucks you get every C&C game made so far on one DVD! I have every C&C game except the original C&C and some expansions for other C&C games...i have been looking for the original for months with no luck...and,good news, all the games work on win XP! I personally like RA and RA2 the best cuz they have a great story and challenging gameplay... I didnt like generals that much though.....i mean, it was an entirely different story than other C&C games...Renegade is ok.... i really like the FPS feel of that game....Tiberian sun is alright, i played a little bit of it but it didnt interest me cuz i wanted 2 play the original C&C first because of storyline and stuff.

i am going to buy this collection ASAP...i would suggest you do too.