Good collection. Personal favorite: Generals and Zero Hour.
User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
Most of the games included in the First Decade won't even work on Vista... but as far as I've seen, they are pretty good. Generals and Generals: Zero Hour are especialy fun. On Lan, it is a great game to play, especialy because it is possible to play with the same disk and CD code. I belive that the other games included in this pack are deserving of about a 7.5, but back in their day, probably an 8.5 - 9.0. In my opinion, Generals is more fun that C&C3, but C&C3 is pretty close, especialy because of the graphics. I think I don't like it because of the fact that it is too much like other RTS games of today, and because since Company of Heroes is the best RTS I've played yet. There is no comparison for that game. The campaign on Genenerals and Zero Hour are both very addictive and fun to play because you always want to get to the next cut scene and part of the story. (that is the same in all of the C&C games.