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User Rating: 9.1 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
Westwood did a good job experimenting with other types of games other than strategy, C&C Renagade is an amazing game along with the rest of the games in the series, its best to start playing the oldest game and work your way up. I skipped Red Alert 2 because it looks like their trying to take the masterpiece of RA 1 even futher just to make more money (which didnt work). The lack of graphics in the older games arent much of a big loss and the sound is average, except for the quotes the infantry say, their pretty funny somtimes. The gameplay is better than most of the other games in its class, its closest competetors are Starcraft and Warcraft along with Age Of Empires. Out of the C&C series the only let down was Red Alert 2 but still a fun game