A must have for every C&C fan or for any RTS fan who some how missed it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Command & Conquer: The First Decade PC
I’m going to assume that most C&C fans already have this collection or it’s on their wish list, so this is going to be more for those who never got into C&C or missed out on some of the installments.

First of all, the set is an amazing value: $40 for a dozen games, this alone makes the set a no-brainer. True that many are dated - graphics look just as they did when the games first hit the market - but that doesn’t stop the fun. Good story telling, solid game play, multiplayer/skirmish modes (which allow for quick and satisfying battles), as well as interesting, fun, and broad unit and build options make the game playable for hours upon hours.

If you’re looking for challenging game play where victory is determined on finding a balance of power and strategy as per your situation Command & Conquer: The First Decade will easily complement your PC game collection.