Eleven of the Greatest Games Ever Made (yes I said 11)
I have to say, its unbelievable how little has changed from the RTS of 1995 and the RTS of 2006. With of course the exception of graphics, these games play just as well as any of your new RTS games. It’s very easy to see how C&C played a major part of in laying down the rules for every other RTS game that followed.
The missions are as challenging now as they were then, and nothing really beats sending armies of little 8 pixel tall soldiers into battle only to have most of the squished by 1 tank. It’s also impressive to see how much farther game cinematics have come since 1995.
I did say above that this boxed set included 11 of the greatest games ever made... I say that because I like to forget that Renegade even exists... what a boring game... C&C should have just stayed as an RTS. I did notice there was one game left out of this pack (for obvious reasons). The absolutely horrible Command and Conquer: Sole Survivor... which I unfortunately bought years ago.
This is a great buy if you can find a copy... if not for the memories... get it for the Mechanical Man song. :)