C&C's sequel for the G.D.I. (Global Defense Initiation) vs. Nod war game just got better... a little
User Rating: 7.5 | Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun PC
From it's cheap graphics and a really slow gameplay at the first use, it looks that it fails for the C&C series. But not quite! The vehicles are really unique, the infantry is just plain unoriginal for both sides. The light infantry is lame and pretty useless, the advanced infantry, such as the Cyborg Commando, are the best things you can get in a skirmish war. They are invulnerable to light tanks and mass infantry. The best vehicle in the war is the Mammoth Mk. II. Unlike Red Alert 2's Apocalypse Tank, it attacks with a laser-like projectile to its enemies, although it can affect the infantry or tank in front of it, whether its friend or foe. The Nod Stealth Tank isn't very stealthy at all, it can only activate its stealth abilities if it's not attacked, or idle, or just roaming around. It's main weapon, rockets, are effective on hovering aircrafts, but not on infantry and some vehicles much. The G.D.I. Disruptor may look like Red Alert 2: Y.R.'s Magnetron, but this is way better; it can- not magnetize a vehicle but it's weird projectile can act like a microwave, it can kill infantry in a matter of seconds, it can also destroy the well known Titan, a large robotic tank-like vehicle. I can also destroy buildings at a long distance, with a power and distance of a Prism Tank's and the projectile and also distance of a Magnetron. For the Graphics; It's not as good as Red Alert 2's, but it's maps look much detailed than RA2. The explosions are pretty weak looking, especially the Chemical Missile's, you might think it's a big explosion like a Nuke', but no! It's just a small "poof" after hitting the target, but the effect is drastic! The Cluster Missile is the best superweapon of them all, although it can be stopped by the deadly wall of "Firestorm"! For the gameplay; It's hard! I can't finish the G.D.I. Mission, it's too impossible! The A.I. is much smarter than you think of! Even an easy enemy can bite the dust off your base! Overall I give this a 7.5 out of 10. (Criteria; 4 for Gameplay, 3 for Graphics, 2 for Sound, 1 for Weaponries and the like) 2.5 for Gameplay, "hard" isn't fun at all, 3 for Graphics, even for a cheap 1999 hit can have high pixels too! 1 for sound, kinda boring! 1 for the Miscellaneous, the vehicles are just gooood!