Command and Conquer is now a very old, very dated game in a genre that has evolved tremendously since its release. Despite all this it has to be said though that it is still one of the most fun to play and it definitely needs a re-release for newer systems. For anybody who has played strategy games the game is basic. You collect a resource to gain funds, to build units and structures that you use to kill off the opposing team which is trying to do the same. The game still holds up better in my opinion then later titles in the franchise, from the Red Alert series. The graphics are simplistic which is to be expected but it is not a detriment to the game. The briefing video is entertaining and both factions are unique enough to garuntee a second playthrough. Hopefully this can be released again with all of the older titles sort of like they did for the newer ones. It also should be mentioned that this title isnt a cakewalk like the newer ones in the series and it will take a lot of committment and quite a good gamer to beat this game.
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Westwood Games’ real time strategy game Command and Conquer (known to some people as “Tiberian Dawn”) is the game that has probably influenced the genre more than any other. First released in 1995, Command and Conquer c... Read Full Review
Command & Conquer features a unique RTS engine, focusing on the production of military units and buildings to essentially command and conquer territory within a given map. The game offers a campaign set around the Col... Read Full Review