It alone was worth buying a PSX for, and still is.
Back in 1997 when I got my Playstation, this was my first game. I had played it on PC before but that could never have prepared me for the experience that the far superior Playstation version had to offer, I was simply blown away..
Gameplay: 10/10
The controls are all mapped perfectly to the Playstation controller making it play smoother and a lot better then in the PC version.
The story is very cool as you get to chose who to go as, GDI (Global Defence Initiative) or the Brotherhood of NOD (my personal favourites).
As you progress in either of the two scenarios you'll become higher ranked and get to command more and more different kind of troops, and in the end (if you've played through the NOD missions) there is a really cool feature after you've completed the last mission and watched the ending cutscene, but I won't tell you what it is so I wont ruin it for you.
The gameplay is simply yet advanced; basically you build your base and your troops and battle the enemy's troops, trying to destroy their base. All while the enemy is doing the exact same thing but with an already established base and troopers ready to take you on from the get go.
But they of course don't know you're there yet, building you're base and troops, so they'll leave you alone until they spot you, but when they do spot you, be prepared! Because those guys don't like you and have an army to show it with!
Graphics: 10/10
With pixelart at it's finest this game truly looks great. The only thing that could possibly have looked better are the nuclear explosions that are doubled in size to make them seem bigger, causing pixelation.
Sound: 10/10
The voiceacting and soundeffects are great and I still quote many of the things said in this game and the music is absolutely amazing, this game offers one of the best soundtracks ever put in a game, period.
Value: 10/10
It alone was worth buying a PSX for, and still is. This is a game everyone must have in their collection if they only so much as think of themselves as a gamer, the only excuse not to have it would possibly be that you're not into ANY kind of strategic games.
Tilt: 10/10
The game is old, and the first in a now rather big series. But still, it's the best C&C ever made by far and the newer games simply have nothing worth mentioning to put up against it.