This game seems like it was abandoned before they fleshed out the details and features. It is supposed to be reminiscent of Colonization, but is a much simplified version. There is only one map to play on (Western Hemisphere), so replayability is about zero. Where you can build your cities is limited to arbitrary "colony locations" that are spread out over the continent. Once you settle a colony, raw materials are gathered automatically. You build creatively named buildings like "Church level 1" and "Church level 2" to keep your colonists happy and to convert resources into more valuable goods. The only thing you can do with the goods is sell them back in Europe. There is virtually no need for interacting with the other powers, except if you want to take over one of their colonies. There is ship to ship combat, which is a poorly implemented minigame which is tedious.
Finally, once you get into the game, you realize that you can saturate Europe's market with your goods, leaving a glut at your colonies. This essentially breaks the end game. It's amazing that the developers never even played through a whole game to realize this.
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I love historical strategy games and have been playing them, as they came along, since the early 90's. That being said, I like this game and am disappointed by it, all at the same time. I mean, it's fun founding colon... Read Full Review
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