Turn based strategy that is fun, challenging, has great replay, online enabled and some catchy jazz music to boot!
What I liked about this game from the demo and throughout the campaign, is the retro modern look of the units. It reminded me of "Flash Gordon meets the Incredibles". So if you loved the art deco, stylized look of those two films (and TV shows of the era), then you will love the look of this game. I also got hooked on the music early, it is up tempo jazz, again spot on in the era of 40s and early 50s.
I was surprised at the depth of the story, which is filled with puns and sophmoric humor, but it does have a heart (an adolescent one, but one non the less) and many plot twists. This all serves to move the story in new directions, adding new commander choices, new unit types and new perspectives to play from.
One of the key choices before each mission is the choice of commander (or stryker). I love this about the game and this is where the high replay value comes in. Your choice of commander will dictate, in part, your strategy for each mission and how you approach it. Some active and passive powers are better suited for different missions. I encourage you to try them all and find which are better suited for your style and tactics, along with the demands of each mission.
One piece of advice. Save early and save often in the campaign. I recommend saving before you start each turn. That way, if things really go downhill, you only have to replay one turn and not start the mission over from scratch. This of course assumes you are in a good position, if not, don't be afraid to restart.
Enjoy this game, it is a real gem and one that deserves our patronage.