It's your choice, take a gun and shoot everybody or stealthly knock your enemy's out with butcher...
In this game, you don't creep into shadows and your not just one person, but 9! well, euhm, the ninth is actually or a dog or an American ally.
The Commandos are: The Green Beret (Butcher)-> strong guy with a knife and a hard fist, the Sniper (Duke)-> the sniper dude,the Diver (Fins)->the guy that operates from underneath you, under water and trows knifes as silent kills, the Sapper (Fireman)-> sets bombs,destroys tanks, blows up silos and trows grenades, nothing stealth about him :P The Driver-> he is excellent in setting up traps and takes out his enemy's the stealthly way, as you can see, he also drives all kinds of vehicles The Spy (Frenchy)->The spy is an commando that is unable of not being used so handy, he dresses up in the clothes of the enemy and orders them to look in different directions as when your men going, The pretty Girl-> only used in two or three missions but extremely handy, she's also able of clothing in enemy clothes and distracts enemy or temptates them with her beauty, last commando but deffinitly not least is the Thief (Lupin)-> which is the very most fast commando and is able to climb up buildings.
Things that are specially better in Commandos 2 then in the first one(s) is that every commando except for the Spy is able to knock out enemy's, The Spy however is able to bind the enemy's, as all the other commandos except for The Thief.
As you can see, the game is about puzzling,stealthly planning, taking out enemy's one by one, and completing your mission this way.
If you've never played a Commando game before I do however reccomend you to first play Behind Enemy Lines or Beyond The Call of Duty, to get in with the game genre and to see how Commandos 2 is better then the first two.
Al together this game is a reccomendation worth for sure, you've gotta have patience and a good mind for this game....
I enjoyed it nearly every second I played it.