The 3 doesn't make it better. Play Commandos 2 instead.

User Rating: 5.1 | Commandos 3: Destination Berlin PC
Despite it's upgraded graphical engine, Commandos 3 loses a lot of what made it so fun to play Commandos games in the past. Many key shortcuts have been removed from the game, and there isn't any way to return them. If you thought the missions in previous commandos games were hard, you obviously haven't played Commandos 3. The missions in Commandos 3 are not only harder than Commandos 2 and the previous games, the lack of shortcut keys is sure to exasperate anyone having played a previous Commandos game, making the missions much harder to complete in a timely manner.

You'll get more Commandos action if you just go back and play Commandos 2 over again, maybe with a buddy, as Commandos 3 doesn't have the previous games' cooperative multiplayer mode either. A new competitive multiplayer mode emerges, and that might actually be the best feature this game has. That's not saying a lot, either.

Commandos 3 definitely has larger levels than the previous games, but that's not necesarily a good thing, because even though it means more Germans to the slaughter, it also means more Germans to the... killing me! The AI is essentially the same as it has been for the last four iterations of the game, so not much has changed there. It's an admirable system for a stealth-action game, but Commandos 3 doesn't really leave the stealth vs. action decision up to you. Specific tasks require exact and specific maneuvers, whereas Commandos 2 I found to be more free form in terms of how you choose to engage the enemy (I've laid more than a few good traps and staged a great number of German bloodbaths in my time with Commandos 2).

Case in point: If you're thinking about playing Commandos 3, you're actually wanting to play Commandos 2, so don't waste your time thinking the 3 means it's better.