Jumpgate is a deep, well-designed game that incorporates the best elements of space-combat simulations and role-playing games.
Your enjoyment of Portal Runner depends wholly on your tolerance for both straight-up, albeit slightly watered-down, 3D platform-adventure gameplay.
The game's forgiving physics and plentiful mode choices make it a good choice for casual weekend competition
Ultimately, it's more disappointing than exciting, and not just because it's transparently modeled after a much better game.
Kids will likely enjoy its simplicity but will find it difficult to complete several of the game's goals due to the irritating hit detection and cramped areas.
While die-hard strategy fans and extreme fans of the Heroes series on the PC might get a kick out of this one, it's really a rental at best.
Green Rogue's cumbersome gameplay makes it a much more frustrating game than those that inspired it.
As outstanding as the core elements of High Heat 2002 undoubtedly are, it's hard to emerge from an extended session of gameplay without some serious misgivings.
Buried under the layers of poor visuals and rough control, there is indeed an engaging, playable game.
Aqua Aqua for the PlayStation 2, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Wetrix for the Nintendo 64, is basically the same game released three years later, but it still represents ...
You get the impression that there's a decent game hidden here somewhere; it just exists under many layers of detritus.
In this role-playing game the hero is denied entry into paradise and must complete a series of quests to redeem himself for his turbulent past.
World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks for the PlayStation does not suffice in any facet of its execution and should be avoided by even the most fervent vehicular combat fans.
In this third-person action game, players will play as a fallen angel who must defend the earth against Satan and his minions.
Those looking for an engrossing RPG experience and a decent 3D adventure may want to check out Crusaders of Might and Magic.
The Price of Loyalty does one thing really well - it diversifies the missions.
This is a must-have for fans of the first title.
Heroes of Might and Magic is an average strategy game that tries very hard to bring as many aspects of the genre as it can to the Game Boy Color.
It's a breath of very fresh air.
Meridian 59 is only as good as its population.
Vale of Sorrow doesn't change Meridian drastically, but the improvements it makes are useful and well implemented.
Might and Magic VIII's old graphics engine, repetitive gameplay, bugs, and relative ease will be too much to overlook.
This port of the 3DO original includes both the full standard game, as well as the Maps of Death addon.
Though the latest version of High Heat suffers from a number of minor flaws once again, it's still the early favorite to capture best-of-breed honors in PC baseball sims this ...
The sheer lack of quality throughout the game keeps Sammy Sosa's Softball Slam from being anything interesting.
SH4 won't blow you away with its technical brilliance or design innovations... But it's tremendously playable and lots of fun.
Star Fighter has plenty of problems - the biggest being the way it looks and flies.
TOCA Touring Car Championship is basically a mix of Gran Turismo and Destruction Derby.
Overall, Uprising X is a game that may not look visually exciting but is extremely challenging and fun.
Air Attack 2 is a major disappointment, not because it is an exceptionally bad game, but because it had the potential to be an exceptionally great game.
If you look up the definition of the word "poor" in a dictionary, there's a good chance you'll see Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 staring back at you.
Whether you're toting around explosive grenades, pinpoint mortars, or the dangerous bazooka, Army Men World War: Land, Sea, Air is a well-rounded game that's not just for kids anymore.
You'll wish there were more to the first Heroes Chronicles game than just a series of missions stitched together by a nice short story.
The gameplay in Conquest of the Underworld is very formulaic, despite the generally high quality of the map designs.
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