A slightly improved Might and Magic is better than no Might and Magic at all.
High Heat Baseball 2000 is easily the worst baseball game to come out for the PlayStation this year.
The pacing and story aren't as good as Half-Life's, but the character interaction and angelic powers elevate the game beyond many other shooters.
With some major spit and polish, plus several more months of development time, Army Men 3D could've turned out a lot better.
Overall, Army Men II is fun, but it's just not all that it could be.
No doubt a port of the PC version, the Dreamcast version of Heroes of Might and Magic III is bound to deliver the Heroes formula to console strategy fans.
Make no mistake: BattleTanx's gameplay isn't the most complex in the world.
While the changes to Uprising 2 are notable and (for the most part) positive, the game still manages to underwhelm because of some seemingly minor flaws.
Overall, Uprising X is a game that may not look visually exciting but is extremely challenging and fun.
The Ultimate Might and Magic Archives is a collection of the first five games in the role-playing series.
While the plastic soldier theme might have been better served if it had played up the Toy Story angle a bit more, the end result is fun nonetheless.
Might and Magic VI is a classically designed role-playing game that features both a huge gaming world and lots of attention to detail.
Underneath High Heat's less-than-spectacular graphics engine lies a very impressive baseball game.
TOCA Touring Car Championship is basically a mix of Gran Turismo and Destruction Derby.
Played from a first-person perspective, this frenetic game is unlike anything else in its genre.
The Price of Loyalty does one thing really well - it diversifies the missions.
Vale of Sorrow doesn't change Meridian drastically, but the improvements it makes are useful and well implemented.
There's just no need for a game like this on the PlayStation in 1997.
Meridian 59 is only as good as its population.
This is a must-have for fans of the first title.
In this third-person action game, players will play as a fallen angel who must defend the earth against Satan and his minions.
As outstanding as the core elements of High Heat 2002 undoubtedly are, it's hard to emerge from an extended session of gameplay without some serious misgivings.
Green Rogue's cumbersome gameplay makes it a much more frustrating game than those that inspired it.
Your enjoyment of Portal Runner depends wholly on your tolerance for both straight-up, albeit slightly watered-down, 3D platform-adventure gameplay.
The game's forgiving physics and plentiful mode choices make it a good choice for casual weekend competition
Aqua Aqua for the PlayStation 2, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Wetrix for the Nintendo 64, is basically the same game released three years later, but it still represents ...
While die-hard strategy fans and extreme fans of the Heroes series on the PC might get a kick out of this one, it's really a rental at best.
The Heroes formula clearly stands the test of time in Heroes IV and is every bit as enjoyable as it's ever been in previous games.
Buried under the layers of poor visuals and rough control, there is indeed an engaging, playable game.
Kids will likely enjoy its simplicity but will find it difficult to complete several of the game's goals due to the irritating hit detection and cramped areas.
Jumpgate is a deep, well-designed game that incorporates the best elements of space-combat simulations and role-playing games.
The 3DO Company will develop a GameCube game based on the Cubix CGI television show.
Dragon Rage comes down to being a very basic shooter with a number of flaws thrown in at no extra cost.
Despite some solid ideas and some very cool game mechanics, the game is technically flawed to a degree that's almost criminal.
Shifters was clearly not given enough time in development, and it isn't fun to play as a result.
Virtually every technical and stylistic aspect of the game is either shoddily handled, or feels somehow incomplete.
Might and Magic IX is the sort of game that can't please either longtime fans or series newcomers looking to get a role-playing fix.
High Heat again ups the ante where gameplay is concerned but still fails to match the graphical finesse of its competitors.
The Green Army face off against the Tan Army yet again. The game plays from a top-down perspective and has five different environments.
The 3DO Company will develop a PlayStation game based on the Cubix CGI television show.
Console gamers who haven't been spoiled by the likes of Starcraft or Red Alert 2 are in for a treat.
Battle robots in this handheld game based upon the popular children's television program.
The Gathering Storm adds a good deal of new content to play through: six massive single-player campaign games and a whopping 30 additional scenarios. But not much else.
In this GBA game, Sarge teams up with the Blue Spy on a new mission to blast his enemies to smithereens.
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