The game is visually keen, and its pacing is marvelous, but its fighting system is remarkably slim, emphasizing one-button combos and nearly instant-kill supers.
If you're the type of person who likes to uncover every last little secret in a game, Pinobee might be worth checking out.
Momotaru Matsuri is composed of several minigames and puzzles, but with RPG elements.
Bomberman Party Edition manages to succeed where many previous attempts have failed, delivering an uproariously enjoyable multiplayer experience.
Although Bomberman 64: The Second Attack is not at all revolutionary, it is not especially well executed in any particular area, and it suffers noticeably in the graphics and sound ...
If you can deal with the lack of a traditional Bomberman multiplayer mode, the title makes a good candidate for your next portable game.
If you're into games like The Legend of Zelda, Beyond Oasis, Alundra, or the original Legacy of Kain, then consider picking this one up.
The next Pinobee game will feature a second playable character named Phoebee.
This action game has players using the Eye Toy camera to participate in a series of minigames.
Using the Wii's "Gesture System" built into their innovative controller, Hudson's new "Flight Game" allows total plane control as players pilot their planes through various acrobatic flight maneuvers ranging from ...
Bomberman brings the "Blue Bomber" into 3D with multiplayer and an immersive single-player adventure.
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition combines Champion Edition and Hyper Fighting into one package.
The sprites may be smaller, but the spirit of the classic shoot-'em-up, as well as its original level designs, remains intact.
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