While real-time strategy games have generally advanced far beyond 1995, Original War has actually regressed.
Those with open minds for a new experience and a penchant for delightfully slicing their enemies apart will find that Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance definitely delivers.
Orion Pirates has an impressive amount of content for a stand-alone expansion, so it's great for new players.
In spite of its lack of multiplayer support, even the most jaded real-time strategy player will find something fresh and exciting in Hostile Waters.
Overall, Off-Road Redneck Racing is a fun game, and its low price makes it especially attractive for fans of arcade-style racing.
It'll provide dozens of hours of entertainment to both fans of squad-based combat games and fans of the series and stands a good chance of turning one into the other.
Airline Tycoon lets you start an airline from the ground up. In a day's work, you'll negotiate with employees, customize your planes and arrange for carrying cargo loads.
For all the changes in Starfleet Command Volume II, it's basically just a slightly improved version of the original.
Give Giants a try, and in short order, you'll find yourself playing one of the PS2's most likable, most offbeat shooters.
You can't find a pool sim that looks and plays as much like the real thing as Virtual Pool 3 does.
Although it desperately clings to the precepts espoused by most real-time wargames, Earth 2140 shouldn't be quickly dismissed as just another Command & Conquer retread.
The combination of wacky sound effects and silly character renderings harksback to the twisted trailers of Tex Avery.
It's a third-person squad-based action shooter whose original design concept actually succeeds in adding to the overall quality of the game.
Fallout is one of the best role-playing games to be released in several years.
Sound like standard empire builder fare? Yes and no.
With inviting gameplay and an abundance of hidden characters, Gekido is worthy of the acclaim given to Streets of Rage 2, Guardian Heroes, or Die Hard Arcade, provided you're a ...
Consider it short-lived fun, at best.
Its gameplay is wholly uninspired and singularly uninventive, especially considering the cloth from which this game was cut.
Even with its problems, its excellent combat system and sense of style make Jagged Alliance 2 very easy to recommend.
Whether the prerelease infamy and the embarrassment of disclaimers are a result of the current political climate or conscious hyperbole by the Interplay marketing machine, they tend to overshadow what ...
Check your brain at the door and saddle up for a solid, mindless shooting fest that dispenses with any pretense of strategy.
Command & Conquer, move over. M.A.X. does it better.
There's no denying that M.A.X.2 has all the ingredients of a great game, but strange quirks in the game engine and some downright bugs prevent it from reaching its full ...
MDK is frequently fun, sometimes frustrating, full of surprises, and visually stunning.
It improves on the original's technology and expands its gameplay without losing the off-kilter sense of humor that helped make MDK so unique.
Based on WB's animated series, Men in Black continues the adventures of Agent J and Agent K. Through six challenging levels, you must help them protect humanity from illegal aliens.
While Milo's Astro Lanes gets a resounding nod of approval for its daring immersion into subculture (albeit, three years too late), there's very little here to recommend a purchase.
It's boring, it's unoriginal, and it doesn't even live up to the eight-year-old game it's attempting to copy.
It's a wonkily-balanced game experience not quite challenging enough for the long-time adventurer and not quite guiding enough for the newbie.
If you're looking for an adventure game that'll deliver your money's worth, you ought to check this one out.
Norse by NorseWest is a good puzzle game.
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