Virtual Pool 2 succeeds as being both an entertaining game and an instructional tool.
Although it desperately clings to the precepts espoused by most real-time wargames, Earth 2140 shouldn't be quickly dismissed as just another Command & Conquer retread.
Caesars Palace is an adequate adaptation of casino gambling.
ClayFighter 63 1/3 goes right back to boring players to tears.
Fallout is one of the best role-playing games to be released in several years.
How could the company that produced Fallout also be responsible for one of the lousiest games to come down the pike in quite a while?
Starfleet Academy looks and plays no better than space combat games from two years ago.
Atomic Bomberman is one of this year's biggest missed opportunities.
Carmageddon is visceral, violent, vehicular fun.
Dragon Lore II is about as frustrating a gaming experience as I have encountered in recent years.
Interplay did its best with the lemon of a game it licensed.
Norse by NorseWest is a good puzzle game.
MDK is frequently fun, sometimes frustrating, full of surprises, and visually stunning.
The end result is a classic case of too little too late.
Though the tabloid alien-abduction plot feels a bit dated, there's more than enough splatter and gags to compensate.
At its worst, it seems more like the second season of Twin Peaks, when the obscurity gets self-serving, and the payoff is meager compared with its initial pretensions.
Originality isn't one of Pray For Death's strong points.
A single table just doesn't provide enough extended replay value to put it ahead of Hyper 3-D Pinball and other Saturn pinball games.
Those thirsting for an amazing old school shooting experience can relax - your game has arrived.
RC is a genre-bending title that's well worth checking out.
I can't stop playing Realms of the Haunting.
Red Asphalt is a solid contribution to the "drive 'n' kill" genre.
This isn't a cookie-cutter sequel at all. It's half shoot-em-up, half laugh riot - and that adds up to a damn good deal to me.
Quite literally, stay away from Reloaded at all costs.
Once you become accustomed to the loose controls, Screamer 2 can provide an enjoyable gaming experience.
If you simply like really beautiful animation and fairy tales, this game is at least worth considering.
This game offers an exhilarating time to those who just want to hoistthemselves into an oversized killing machine and let some hi-res bullets rip.
Aesthetically, Star Trek Pinball contains a rather uninspired suite of flashing lights, shooting cues, and sound effects.
A game so long in the making, even Stonekeep's supposed cutting-edge technology is dull compared to that of its competitors.
Many games try to test your skill, but Super Runabout works to exercise your sense of frustration.
The missions will take you through a variety of combat environments, from mountain ranges to snowy glaciers, all packed with turrets, enemy tanks, and building complexes.
All the graphics, levels, and enemies from the original arcade game have been faithfully ported over.
Tempest X3 just isn't worth the money.
If it weren't for a few gameplay issues, The Last Express could be among the best adventure games ever.
All 12 games in the package remain enjoyable to this day, each in turn a testament to the timelessness of the genre.
The designers have made a great game by creating an experience that is entertaining and challenging.
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