Virtual Pool 2 succeeds as being both an entertaining game and an instructional tool.
Although it desperately clings to the precepts espoused by most real-time wargames, Earth 2140 shouldn't be quickly dismissed as just another Command & Conquer retread.
Caesars Palace is an adequate adaptation of casino gambling.
ClayFighter 63 1/3 goes right back to boring players to tears.
Fallout is one of the best role-playing games to be released in several years.
How could the company that produced Fallout also be responsible for one of the lousiest games to come down the pike in quite a while?
Starfleet Academy looks and plays no better than space combat games from two years ago.
Atomic Bomberman is one of this year's biggest missed opportunities.
Carmageddon is visceral, violent, vehicular fun.
Dragon Lore II is about as frustrating a gaming experience as I have encountered in recent years.
Interplay did its best with the lemon of a game it licensed.
Norse by NorseWest is a good puzzle game.
MDK is frequently fun, sometimes frustrating, full of surprises, and visually stunning.
The end result is a classic case of too little too late.
Though the tabloid alien-abduction plot feels a bit dated, there's more than enough splatter and gags to compensate.
This isometric 3D game was going to use the role-playing system created for the Fallout RPG series. However, its development was canceled.
Rubu Tribe combines elements of strategy, action, adventure, and exploration into its gameplay, as players assume the role of a tribe leader who must lead his followers to their sacred ...
Runabout 3 takes place in New York City, and it features around 30 missions and several vehicles to choose from, including fire trucks and tanks.
Interplay plans to publish this seuqle to the controversial FPS that put you in the role of a street thug.
Interplay Entertainment has begun work on a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based on its postapocalyptic classic Fallout.
Virtual Pool is no hustle.
It's basically just Virtual Pool 2 with a handful of enhancements.
If you're looking to play this classic style of billiards on your PC, Virtual Snooker's the only game in town.
VR Baseball 2000 is a decent game but one that does not hold a clear edge over any of the others in the genre.
VR Sports has managed to deliver a miserable failure.
The game just doesn't have the polished look of Triple Play or MLB.
The game barely scratches the surface of what the Playstation game machine can do.
In the final analysis, suffice to say that other soccer sims do it better for the same price.
The developers made a very impressive attempt to make a financial simulator that's worthy of being called a game.
This new racing sim from Interplay sets itself apart from the pack with tracks that hearken back to slot-car racing, featuring highly adept opponents, and competitive multi-player action.
Delivered in a nasal surfer tone that makes people think disparaging things about California, the main character's comments sound like a 40-year-old ad exec's idea of what "the kids" think ...
Its technical problems are a real shame, because when it comes to every other aspect of game design, Y2K is actually quite good.
Super Hornet contains none of the extras that make a flight simulation a complete package, even though there's a good flight simulator at its core.
Soulbringer's lackluster graphics and poor interface compromise what's otherwise a fairly standard action/role-playing game with an interesting combat system.
You can't find a pool sim that looks and plays as much like the real thing as Virtual Pool 3 does.
Clearly, tremendous effort went into the game's unique fully 3D presentation and into formulating the similarly unusual play mechanics.
It's well suited for fans of Black Isle Studios' previous games, classic hack-and-slash AD&D computer games, and anyone looking for an action-packed role-playing game with a lot of depth.
Titus the Fox is a platformer starring the mascot of the company developing and publishing the game, Titus.
It's a definitive role-playing experience, and the only reason it can't be called the best game in its class is because in a sense there's nothing available that compares to ...
The derivative action in New Worlds does only one thing well: It reminds you how exciting a well-designed real-time strategy game can be by comparison.
Despite its lengthy development cycle, RLH still feels rushed and incomplete.
For all the changes in Starfleet Command Volume II, it's basically just a slightly improved version of the original.
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