No exploding body parts or fireball-vomiting demons here--Descent puts an industrial spin on the genre by taking you into the bowels of huge factory-like space stations to fight mining robots ...
Battle Chess Collection is a compilation of chess games for the PC.
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy allows you to play as a young cadet right out of Starfleet Academy.
Created very much with its ‘80s ancestor in mind, the fantasy world of Dungeon Master II is complete, well-structured...and slooooww.
Adventure as a caped hero who slings his own boogers to vanquish his foes.
Blackthorne is highly recommended for anyone who enjoys platform-based puzzle games.
Screamer shuns the pit stops, personnel moves, and car equipment upgrades that have become familiar to racing fans in favor of colorful, straightforward, hard-driving action.
It's a video game, it's a cartoon, it's a toy, it's a lunch box, and now it's a PC CD-ROM game.
Though the tabloid alien-abduction plot feels a bit dated, there's more than enough splatter and gags to compensate.
M1 Tank Platoon II is still an extremely well-done and researched simulation, and is almost worthy of the name.
Mission Studios has essentially taken the Jetfighter III engine and wrapped it all in a cinematic narrative that would have shamed Digital Pictures.
Starfleet Command is undoubtedly the best combat-oriented Trek game yet.
It improves in almost every conceivable way on its predecessors and reestablishes the series as the premier example of the play style it single-handedly pioneered.
If you don't already know the dos and don'ts of castling etiquette, don't expect to win many games here.
Virtual Pool 2 succeeds as being both an entertaining game and an instructional tool.
Messiah is relatively short, and the memorable set pieces are interrupted by too many uninspired jumping puzzles.
Heart of Darkness is the latest platform/puzzle game from the creators of Out of this World and Flashback.
The core elements of 1997's best role-playing game are intact and, in several ways, have been improved.
Baldur's Gate largely manages to meet, and even surpass, gamers' high expectations for this ambitious game.
If you're not adverse to a little lowbrow humor and a lot of violence and mayhem, you'll find plenty of action and still more fun in Carmageddon II.
Earthworm Jim 3D has something to discourage all types of people from playing it.
Baseball 2000 feels, plays, and looks just the way its name sounds: generic.
If you're a fan of powerboat racing and think it's neat that it has been turned into a video game, don't get your hopes up.
It's an extremely ambitious simulation that provides plenty of original gameplay but fails to adequately refine its presentation.
The real shame of it is there is a fine, fine flight simulator at the core of Aggressor.
It's clearly the best traditional computer role-playing game of the year and is bound to be an all-time favorite for many of its inevitable fans.
FreeSpace 2 is one of the best space sims ever made and is a solid candidate for game of the year.
This is a great deal for those who've never played the games.
Atomic Bomberman is one of this year's biggest missed opportunities.
Baseball Edition 2000 is more of a "my favorite team just got whipped in real life so I think I'll take out my aggressions on the computer's weak AI" sort ...
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