It's the most feature-rich version of Dance Dance Revolution ever.
Import racing fans should definitely check out Need for Speed Underground.
Bloody Roar 4 is a predictable follow-up to a series that's never aimed particularly high.
Crash Nitro Kart is the best option to come along in a long while, and it's a totally respectable kart-racing game on its own, regardless of how derivative it may ...
The story still stands up, but the game that has been wrapped around it simply cannot keep up its end of the bargain.
Return to Battle City and seek top billing in a trading card tournament for the ultra-powerful Egyptian God Cards. In this card-battling RPG, you'll need to gain experience points to ...
The game is both needlessly arcane and one-dimensional, which is a bit of a feat in and of itself.
If what you seek is solely some quality Frogger gameplay, and you're willing to forgive the facile story and run-of-the-mill graphics, Frogger's Adventures is certainly worth a look.
Konami is working on a new Frogger game for the Game Boy Advance.
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