The Escapists is a prison break simulation that provides players the opportunity of experiencing a light-hearted insight into everyday prison life.
Climb into the pilot's seat of an otherworldly war machine and take down a genocidal alien race bent on eradicating humanity to preserve their own civilization.
Kill the Bad Guy is a puzzle-based game with a seemingly calm, utopian atmosphere, but in actuality, it is a veritable playground for which to serve vile evil doers their ...
Always Sometimes Monsters is the story of life, love, and the things we will go through to find happiness in both.
Transistor is a science-fiction-themed action role-playing game set in a futuristic city where you will take on the role of a young woman who gains control of an extraordinary weapon ...
Croixleur is 60 FPS of high-speed, hack-and-slash arcade action by one of Japan's premier indie developers, souvenir circ. In gameplay reminiscent of Devil May Cry's Bloody Palace mode, our protagonists, ...
SUPERHOT is an FPS game where time moves only when you move. This innovative yet remarkably intuitive time control mechanism crates gamplay that has never been seen before. Take your ...
Escape Goat 2 is a goat-based puzzle platformer.
Lifeless Planet is a 3D PC action adventure to be published worldwide by Lace Mamba Global.
Broken Age is an old-school point-and-click adventure game.
Embark on a brand new adventure which teams Shantae with her arch nemesis, Risky Boots! When a curse falls upon Sequin Land, Risky Boots and Shantae must join forces to ...
Republique is a stealth-action game that explores the perils of government surveillance in the Internet Age.
A terrifying psychological horror game inspired by the developer's battle with mental illness. Explore nightmares! Branching narrative!
This 2D platform game sees players assuming the role of a genie with the ability to change into a number of different creatures.
Got a few minutes? Strap yourself in, marvel at the flight-simulator feel, fly up into the clouds or down into the earth, and most of all, engage in some high-adrenaline ...
Tomba is like a blast from the past, with a twist.
Fans of the original game are in for a treat, but not enough has changed to make the game attractive to those who didn't click with the original.
Despite being a rehash, Turok 3 is a well-balanced, varied platform gaming experience.
Turok is more than just another Doom clone.
If you're in the mood for a game where each event is reasonably well designed and integrated into a greater, meatier whole, then Infogrames' Xtreme Sports should prove satisfying.
Although Red Faction rarely outstrips the games it draws inspiration from, the fact that there are times when it shows them up at all is pretty impressive.
Racer Revenge is good-looking game that's a whole lot of fun while it lasts, which unfortunately isn't very long at all.
Next to Rayman 2, Jak and Daxter is the best 3D platformer available for the PlayStation 2.
Jedi Outcast is simply one of the easiest games to recommend this year.
You don't need to be a fan of Star Wars or of RPGs to appreciate all the impressive qualities of this game--but if you are, all the better.
SNK's arcade fighter is making one more run on the Dreamcast.
Unfortunately, Enclave has a number of gameplay problems that its good graphics and sound can't hide.
BloodRayne is a good third-person action game that's pretty straightforward but has a few nice twists.
Play both hunter and hunted in this psycho thriller. Set in New York, Indigo Prophecy gives you the chance to speak, explore, interact, fight, and confront unknown dark forces.
Shantae is a fine example of how good a 2D platform game can be on a portable system.
Serious Star Wars aficionados should enjoy the game's story, but they'll be forced to slog through a lot of tedious action to see how it pans out.
While the game feels pretty short, its interesting premise and impressive presentation pick up the slack and make Beyond Good & Evil a game well worth playing.
Psychonauts are operatives that possess psychic powers. When a crazy scientist begins abducting Psychonauts for their brains, it's up to you to put an end to it once and for ...
Widely considered the best game in the illustrious King of Fighters series, '98 features a huge cast of characters and finely tuned 2D fighting action.
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