It's little more than a cosmetic overhaul to an already classic product.
With tons of customization options and a system that focuses on learning, Chessmaster is the clear choice for people who wish to experience chess on their PlayStation.
The Blackstone Chronicles isn't a bad game. It's just average to a fault.
It's quite charming, and the training, raising, and relationships you experience are, well, quite real.
Chessmaster is still the only way to go if you're looking for a chess program.
People's General represents the natural evolution of Panzer General II and the Living Battlefield series.
Circuit Breakers is a rip-off of the Micro Machines series of games.
It falls into a nether region between Comanche and Longbow for realism and playability, but offers some unique elements that have not been seen before in a sim.
It may not be the most highly talked-about game ever to crash the real-time party, but it is certainly one of the most entertaining.
The changes to the system are for the better, but they simply make it feel morelike a glorified patch than a new game.
The worst thing you can say about Chessmaster 5500 is that you might not want to spend the bucks on it if you already own Chessmaster 5000.
Imperialism succeeds in creating an engrossing simulation of naked power-mongering.
Too much attention was paid to shelf appeal and not nearly enough to actual design.
This game is based on the horror film Hannibal, and it will let players assume the role of special agent Clarice Starling as she tries to track down the infamous ...
Crazy Pig allows the player to take care of his own piglet, play with him and make him earn the friendship of the other farm animals.
It's Deja Vu all over again as Ace Harding once again awakens without the benefit of memory, only to learn another mystery awaits him.
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