Taiko Drum Master might be best rented for parties and suchlike given its bundled-with-a-peripheral price tag and somewhat limited single-player appeal.
The Nightmare of Druaga is a dungeon hack of the most boring kind.
Ace Combat 5 isn't the huge step for the series that Ace Combat 04 was, but it's still a great flight combat game, featuring grueling arcade-style action and plenty of ...
Me and My Katamari for PSP features four-player wireless play, customization options such as new masks and headgear, as well as new interface options.
Chain Shot is a puzzle game in which you must rearrange pieces to make them all disappear.
SRS tries to deliver an authentic street racing experience, but really only delivers an unexciting series of races.
Ghosthunter is a game that should absolutely be played by anyone who enjoys a good, creepy action romp.
Pac-Match! is an enjoyable puzzle game with a lot of replay value.
If you have a GameCube and like RPGs, you definitely need to check out Tales of Symphonia.
PlayStation 2 owners should find plenty to like about Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2.
Namco takes a swing at the sports genre with this Japanese-league baseball game.
Breakdown is unable to bear the weight of its own innovation, so it's really just a pretty good action game that you can't help but feel could have been so ...
This action-adventure game will be based on a computer-generated feature film of the same name.
Play as an amesiac girl in search of her past in this 3D beat-'em-up.
Namco's crime-fighting action adventure will take place in Dead to Rights' Grant City.
Namco and Xilam Multimedia are teaming up to make a PlayStation 2 action adventure based on the French-made CG feature, Kaena.
In Namco's new racer, you must complete missions by delivering items, destroying targets, protecting people, and more.
Namco's role-playing game lets you play with other players online.
Fans of the Stargate SG-1 TV series can now experience the science-fiction universe in The Alliance--a new action game from Namco.
Super Pac-Man Pinball is a pinball game starring Namco's yellow, dot-munching mascot. The game features three multiplayer modes and utilizes the touch screen and microphone built into the DS.
Frame City Killer is a next-generation action game set in a futuristic Asia. The game lets you play as a hitman out to stop a terrorist organization.
Tales of the Abyss is an action rpg for mobile devices.
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