This action ninja game features several puzzles and gameplay elements that utilize the unique capabilites of the DS.
Solve the world's problems through the power of dance in this sequel, loosely translated as "burn hot rhythm soul!"
Etrian Odyssey is a turn-based RPG from Atlus and features nine character classes to choose from.
Pokémon Diamond is the first installment of Nintendo's popular role-playing series on the DS.
Get ready for the next installment in Nintendo's Paper Mario RPG series, entitled Super Paper Mario.
Kororinpa Marble Mania brings marble action to your Nintendo Wii.
Wing Island is a multiplayer biplane game for the Wii.
A game of concentration, where the player must spot the differences between two seemingly identical pictures and circle the differences on the touch screen.
The Custom Robo Arena series makes its first appearance on the Nintendo DS.
Wario heads back to the DS in Master of Disguise.
Wii Play will get you going on your Wii console with a variety of options.
Set in 1979, Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is the story of Kyle Hyde, an ex-cop turned salesman trying to track down a missing friend. In this game the DS is ...
The first next-gen installment in Nintendo's series includes over 200 minigames that use the Wii's motion-sensing controller.
The Nintendo MP3 player lets you play MP3s from an SD card on your DS Lite.
Super Swing Golf brings the Albatross18: Realms of Pangya title to the Wii.
Kirby returns on the DS in his classic platformer form, but with extra features such as stylus control over Kirby's copy abilities.
Jump! Ultimate Stars is a fighting game for the Nintendo DS, based on the popular Weekly Shonen Jump! comic digest.
Design your own massive robot and then jump into the cockpit to do battle against massive opponents. Your objective is simple: Topple your opponent before you get toppled.
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge is a game that does the Pokémon license proud.
In execution, Alice offers some of the best graphics and gameplay ever seen on a portable system.
IMPORT: Its premise is rather simple. You control a stick that spins at a constant speed, and you must maneuver this spinning stick through tightly designed mazes without touching the ...
It's not just one of the single most atmospheric games ever created, but it's also quite simply one of the best.
If you do have a Transfer Pak, want to get more out of Gold or Silver, and enjoy a lot of battling, then Stadium 2 is a complete package and ...
Super Mario Advance effectively highlights the power of the handheld with its brilliant, rich visuals and will provide hours of challenging fun, especially for those who haven't played the original ...
The creators of Secret of Mana are hard at work at this 2D hand-drawn RPG for the Game Boy Advance.
Dr. Mario is a legitimate and satisfying puzzle game that is executed rather nicely in this four-player-focused package.
Golden Sun is a throwback to some of the SNES' best.
While not revolutionary in any regard, F-Zero: Maximum Velocity is a challenging yet addictive racer with speed to spare.
Fire Emblem couples a compelling, character-driven epic tale with strategic gameplay that is accessible and still manages to be challenging and satisfying.
The gameplay of Tactics Ogre truly shines, and the Game Boy Advance is a capable platform for it.
The Wind Waker is a strong achievement in every way, from its stunning graphical presentation to its tight control and interesting story line.
Advance Wars is both impressive and addictive.
On its own terms, Soul Calibur II is by all means a great fighting game, and Namco has done a fine job of making each respective console version equally enticing.
Pokemon fans will be in for exactly what they want, while new players now have the perfect opportunity to see what this unusual and likeable series is all about.
Napoleon is a Nintendo's strategy game where players control generals on horseback and direct their troops in military-based scenarios.
Although Capcom's Flagship team actually handled development on the two games, both of them pack in everything one expects from a good Zelda adventure.
Disney's The Little Mermaid II Pinball Frenzy is little more than a remake of Pokémon Pinball, minus Pikachu and his cohorts.
The 64 DD-based god game is getting a GameCube remake.
While not perfect, Wave Race: Blue Storm is the most accurate video game representation of water-based racing ever to be released.
It's a great action adventure game by any standard, filled with a surprising amount of variety and lots of impressive graphics.
Despite the fact that it's a solid first-year effort, Courtside 2002 isn't without its flaws and is generally a step behind more seasoned competing products.
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