NCAA College Basketball 2K3 is a solid game with plenty of modes to choose from, but it ultimately falls short of being an accurate simulation of college basketball.
Sega's polygonal gun game is coming to the PlayStation 2.
The fact that you get three games of great length and quality on one cartridge makes Phantasy Star Collection well worth the price of admission.
Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms is held back by its adherence to the bland design of the original game.
You walk from left to right, you slash at cookie-cutter enemies, and you keep doing that until you're finished.
Super Monkey Ball Jr. is the kind of game you want in your collection, even if you don't generally enjoy puzzle games.
It's true that the inclusion of even more Sonic games would have added a lot, but there's still a ton of gameplay to be found in Sonic Mega Collection.
Now that the series has moved on to all platforms, no one will have an excuse not to play what has become the best hockey game series on the market.
If you really want to play this game you should definitely pick up the import.
IMPORT: It's definitely unique and uniquely Sega, and the Dreamcast game library needs more wacky games like this - Seaman needs the company.
This action-adventure asks the player to make the ultimate decision between good and evil. As the game's hero Kirk, the player can either facilitate the arrival of the end of ...
Farnation gives a nod to such successful PC games as Ultima Online and - more recently - Everquest by letting players interact with other human players across a large universe.
Sega is working on a new flight combat game for the Dreamcast.
Sega is working on a new game in the Vectorman series.
The Shenmue series comes online with an MMO for PC.
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