Yakuza 5 continues the epic story of Kazuma Kiryu and 4 other protagonists, Haruka Sawamura, Taiga Saejima, Tatsuo Shinada and Shun Akiyama. The saga plays out across 5 major Japanese ...
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax is a 2D crossover fighting game featuring popular characters from Japanese novels published under the Dengeki Bunko label.
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX is a 3D rhythm game developed specifically for the Nintendo 3DS.
A new standalone multiplayer expansion pack for Company of Heroes 2.
Tembo the Badass Elephant is a larger than life, 2D side-scrolling action adventure from the creative geniuses behind the Pokémon games.
Take on an empire in Creative Assembly's latest entry in their strategy series, Total War: Attila.
Sega describes this game as psycho-trip action. What, exactly, that means remains to be seen.
Kouma is an offshoot of Sega's long-running Sakura Taisen series.
Starblade is a scrolling space shooter for the Sega CD.
Fahrenheit is an interactive movie that allows you to play as a firefighter.
As an official member of S.C.A.T. (Sega Control Attack Team) your mission's a time-bomb. Five beautiful co-eds are being stalked in an eerie estate. Hooded intruders are invading the mansion ...
Cosmic Carnage is a 2D fighting game set in outer space.
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