Some aspects of ESPN Major League Baseball may look sloppy, but the game is great where it matters most.
Sammy is crafting a new arcade fighter with a unique animation style.
Fist of the North Star (Hokuto No Ken) is a part of Sega's PS2 Sega Ages product lineup, which includes classic Sega games rereleased separately for 2500 yen.
The only remarkable thing about Samurai Jack is how utterly unremarkable it is, and that's certainly not a good reason to play this game.
Monogatari is another game set in the Sakura Taisen universe.
Worms 3D is a pretty good strategy game, but taking the game into full 3D seems to have actually detracted from some of the depth found in the 2D games.
Though players who have already cut their teeth on other collectible card games will likely get the most out of the game, there's a chance that fans of turn-based strategy ...
Ever wanted to play Sega's old polygonal racing game at a nice, smooth frame rate? Sega's upcoming PlayStation 2 re-release makes it possible.
Those who like their games nice and easy shouldn't bother with Nightshade, while the rest of us can heartily appreciate it for its monumental challenge and tight, responsive controls.
Regrettably, Sega GT Online's Xbox Live compatibility is far more problematic than its offline play.
The multiplayer battle mode is a real riot, and the fast-paced design makes up for most of Sonic Battle's shortcomings.
Sonic Team almost seems to be daring you to try to have fun with the PlayStation 2 version by making it significantly uglier, slower, and generally just rougher around the ...
It's almost fitting, in the twilight of the Saturn's years, that it should end as it began.
Paperboy makes its way onto the Xbox Live Arcade.
Even with its shallow storyline and camera issues, Phantasy Star Online simply manages to be a whole lot of fun.
The prince is back in a new kind of adventure where cooperation with the mysterious Elika will let you perform actions never before seen on a mobile.
It's definitely a worthy and much-needed update to a long-running series.
Ready 2 Rumble is one of the must-have launch games on the Dreamcast.
If you're the kind of person who loves challenging tank games or happens to have a few trigger-happy friends, the game takes on a life of its own.
IMPORT: It's definitely unique and uniquely Sega, and the Dreamcast game library needs more wacky games like this - Seaman needs the company.
Resident Evil is a rare gem that has been able to make the jump from a video game to a computer game nearly flawlessly.
Rippin' Riders does look and sound very nice but has major issues in the control department and feels incomplete.
This game will leave you with a strong sense of déja vu.
Samba de Amigo, one of the first popular rhythm games, comes to the Wii with samba-infused maraca-shakin' action.
Any serious Bomberman player has seen all this before.
Looking at Scorcher is a little like watching a TV with bad reception: The more you squint, the better it looks.
Scrabble on the PlayStation appears to be exactly what you expect from Scrabble at your mom's house - minus the little wooden letters that look like bouillon cubes.
Visual issues aside, though, Seaman is a good game, provided you don't burn yourself out on it.
More of a fishing game than a fishing simulator, Get Bass is a cool, if temporary, way to spend your time.
Sega Rally 2 marries the qualities of super-fun arcade racing, challenging track elements and design, grease-monkey tinkering, and unparalleled replay value.
Not many PC translations of arcade games score high marks in realism, and Sega Rally Championship is no exception.
Sega Touring Car Championship is a mixed bag.
Worldwide Soccer '97 succeeds in every category.
If you simply like really beautiful animation and fairy tales, this game is at least worth considering.
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