If you're interested in pure Galaga nostalgia, Galaga for mobile is a perfect port.
The classic arcade game gets a graphical makeover on Xbox Live Arcade.
Rome: Total War is the very definition of an epic strategy game.
Sonic Pinball Party takes the familiar characters and graphics from three of Sega's most cherished franchises and uses them to create an especially satisfying pinball game.
Sega's rail shooter returns to the arcades.
Shining Soul II is the kind of dungeon hack that can keep you occupied for a long, long time.
WOW Entertainment is working on a cel-shaded baseball game for the PlayStation 2 in Japan.
Regrettably, Sega GT Online's Xbox Live compatibility is far more problematic than its offline play.
"Cute" is the most appropriate way to describe Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, though "frustrating" may also come to mind as you make your way through the game.
Headhunter: Redemption just isn't a very interesting game, from any angle.
Sega is working on a new game in the Vectorman series.
Sonic Team almost seems to be daring you to try to have fun with the PlayStation 2 version by making it significantly uglier, slower, and generally just rougher around the ...
Though players who have already cut their teeth on other collectible card games will likely get the most out of the game, there's a chance that fans of turn-based strategy ...
Osamu Tezuka's storyline alone makes Blood Will Tell worth playing.
Those who like their games nice and easy shouldn't bother with Nightshade, while the rest of us can heartily appreciate it for its monumental challenge and tight, responsive controls.
While Madden is the most realistic-playing football game on the market, ESPN NFL Football is simply the most exciting football game on the planet.
The multiplayer battle mode is a real riot, and the fast-paced design makes up for most of Sonic Battle's shortcomings.
If you were planning on buying only one basketball game this year, ESPN NBA Basketball is the one to get.
If you're a fan of the sport of hockey, you owe it to yourself to add ESPN NHL Hockey to your collection, as it's simply too good to pass up.
With solid gameplay feel, exceptional customizability, and a deep legacy mode, ESPN College Hoops is easily recommendable to college basketball fans.
Guilty Gear XX #Reload features a number of tweaks and one new character.
Hitmaker! is developing this arcade game that uses cards similar to those found in a traditional collectable card game.
Full Spectrum Warrior is very good overall, and deserves credit for being something other than just another military-themed shooter or strategy game.
The Getaway: Black Monday offers more predictable driving and on-foot controls, new vehicles, a variety of mission types, and new characters. The story begins with events that take place two ...
Sega is working on a remake of this classic shooter for the PlayStation 2.
A remake of the original Phantasy Star is coming to the PlayStation 2.
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