Yakuza 5 continues the epic story of Kazuma Kiryu and 4 other protagonists, Haruka Sawamura, Taiga Saejima, Tatsuo Shinada and Shun Akiyama. The saga plays out across 5 major Japanese ...
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax is a 2D crossover fighting game featuring popular characters from Japanese novels published under the Dengeki Bunko label.
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX is a 3D rhythm game developed specifically for the Nintendo 3DS.
A new standalone multiplayer expansion pack for Company of Heroes 2.
Tembo the Badass Elephant is a larger than life, 2D side-scrolling action adventure from the creative geniuses behind the Pokémon games.
Take on an empire in Creative Assembly's latest entry in their strategy series, Total War: Attila.
Sega describes this game as psycho-trip action. What, exactly, that means remains to be seen.
Kouma is an offshoot of Sega's long-running Sakura Taisen series.
Total War: WARHAMMER will take the series to a realm of grand high fantasy for the very first time in its history. Our rules have changed, and with change comes ...
Choose from over 20+ insane fighters as you battle for glory in the post apocalypse. New fighters, modes and polished mechanics provide infinite ways to annihilate your rivals!
All of your favorite Mario and Sonic characters are ready to join the fun in Rio, host of the Olympic Games in August 2016.
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice will introduce more adventure, speed, exploration, and an all-new fire and ice gameplay element that will help propel the action.
7th Dragon III Code: VFD is a turn-based, dungeon-crawling RPG for the Nintendo 3DS.
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