Final Fantasy II is the second installment in the Final Fantasy series where a malevolent emperor has called upon monsters from a demonic realm to take over the world, ending ...
Bubble Bobble is an arcade-style action game starring dinosaurs who can run and spit bubbles at enemies.
Though the 2600 port of Taito's Elevator Action was never officially released by Atari after being almost completed in 1983, this game surfaced years later in prototype form. A group ...
The classic action arcade title returns with a whole new look, same old feel! Space Invaders, the title that drew thousands into the arcades, comes to the Game Boy Color. ...
The next game in the long-running mech combat series will go online.
Code Age Brawls is the mobile counterpart to the PS2 Code Age Commanders game.
Hexcite Fusion is an interesting puzzle game because it calls upon spatial-reasoning skills that most people don't use very often.
Chocobo Racing 3D (tentative title) will feature familiar characters from the Final Fantasy and Chocobo franchises in 3D.
Sora makes a triumphant return in Kingdom Hearts IV with a fresh new look as he takes on an epic new storyline titled the “Lost Master Arc.”
Tobal 2 captures all of the good points of the original Tobal while making several improvements.
Square's Japanese Dice de Chocobo, which features gameplay that revolves around traditional dice games, gets an update on the Game Boy Advance.
Square Enix is bringing its third Final Fantasy RPG to the Nintendo DS.
This upcoming PlayStation 2 role-playing game from Square Enix will feature online and offline play.
Square Enix's latest offering for the Mobile platform will be connected to its critically-acclaimed Final Fantasy VII.
Square Enix's game will allow you to engage in combat with enemies by selecting specific targets with the DS stylus.
Final Fantasy Agito XIII is a mobile version of Final Fantasy XIII.
Square Enix is resurrecting the game formerly known as True Crime: Hong Kong from United Front Games.
In Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2, you try to become the world's greatest monster scout by recruiting wild monsters to fight for you.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a downloadable, co-op action/adventure game featuring Lara Croft.
Bizarre Creations is crafting a James Bond-branded game that will feature racing and vehicular combat elements.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the next chapter in the best-selling Call of Duty first-person shooter action series.
Dungeon Siege 3 is an Action RPG that seamlessly blends intuitive fast-paced gameplay with a robust RPG system featuring a large selection of abilities.
Sora's journey in Kingdom Hearts II has drawn to a close, and now a new tale is set to begin.
Moon Diver is a fast-paced classic side-scrolling game where up to four players can play locally or online in cooperative play.
Mindjack is a third-person shooter in which you can leave the main character's body to invade other characters, or enter someone else's online game as an enemy.
Delve into the Kingdom Hearts world in 3D.
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