If you like shooters, you'll love Einhander.
SaGa Frontier is a solid, if not exactly stellar, RPG.
If you didn't care for Tomb Raider's third-person perspective and camera angles then Deathtrap Dungeon will probably leave you cold.
While the game is technically proficient, the unbelievably lame speech and camera problems make Gex: Enter the Gecko a frustrating title at best.
Role-playing games don't get a whole lot better than Final Fantasy Tactics.
While Ray Tracers is a pretty neat game, it's way too easy and far too short to purchase.
Were it not for the game's outstanding graphics and sound, Front Mission Alternative would invariably be a total dud.
Unfortunately, the game starts strong, but becomes an exercise in futility on or around the second level.
Most of Tomb Raider II's improvements are cosmetic.
It's a fun and mostly unpredictable platform game.
Bushido Blade totally redefines the genre.
A serious, stylish strategy game.
Never before have technology, playability, and narrative combined as well as in Final Fantasy VII.
Most players won't miss much if they simply sit this one out.
Those thirsting for an amazing old school shooting experience can relax - your game has arrived.
Sucking the blood out of hapless prisoners and townspeople is pure Playstation pleasure.
Pandemonium doesn't have what it takes to contend with the latest 3-D action games, like Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider.
Tomb Raider is simply a smart game, bursting with great touches.
Although Tobal No. 1 is simplistic, the combination of action and role-playing is at times absorbing and intense.
Agni's Philosophy is a real-time technical demonstration movie that uses cutting-edge game development technology.
Those who lost interest in the series with Tomb Raider II may want to give it another look with the third.
Crystal Dynamics' long-awaited sequel to Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain is a far different animal from its predecessor.
It is an acceptable game based on its own merits, but, set against its own legacy, it is for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from those that have come before ...
Omikron's purported innovation and originality amount to nothing more than the senseless combination of unrelated but very familiar play styles.
Anachronox is a solid addition to the genre and makes up for some rough spots with a welcome sense of humor and a lot of personality.
A Zelda killer it's not, but considering what's being offered here, it should more than make up for any unfortunate comparisons.
This year's model comes equipped with sharper character graphics, a simplified, yet more complete fighting system, and best of all, many more characters to select from.
This is an OK game with a fair amount of gameplay - if you like puzzle games.
Apparently, there is no stone that Square is willing to leave unturned, because this game is nothing more than a tired rehash of almost everything that's come before it.
Gamers looking for a simple, inoffensive, and remarkably replayable RPG may find solace in the dark, dank, and old-fashioned recesses of Square's dungeons.
Chrono Cross may not have had the largest budget, but it has the largest heart.
Kemco transforms a reviled PC game into a highly playable Game Boy Color game.
Expert RPG fans will likely blow straight through this game without a single setback.
If you know you're in the market for a very lengthy and ultimately satisfying RPG and know you can get over the visuals, you owe it to yourself to give ...
If you've already "caught 'em all," and you're looking for a game to tide you over until Pokemon Gold and Silver are released near the end of the year, Dragon ...
If you're looking for eye candy, Ehrgeiz will give you plenty of cavities.
There are so many twists and turns in the plot that you want to continually play just a little further and the storyline's mature tone is refreshing, enough so that ...
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