RC is a genre-bending title that's well worth checking out.
What will make or break this game for you is really the original and unintuitive gameplay.
Fans of the Bust-A-Move puzzle series can look forward to more sleepless months with Natsume's release of Bust-A-Move 4.
While Ray Tracers is a pretty neat game, it's way too easy and far too short to purchase.
Automobili Lamborghini strips racing down to its most essential element: speed.
Ys: The Oath in Felghana is a remake third game from the Ys series, Ys III: Wanderers From Ys.
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition features a roster of 39 characters, with four new characters added.
The Blazblue series is back as an enhanced port of the acclaimed Blazblue Continuum shift for the Sony PSP and Nintendo 3DS.
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