The only major detriment of Ms. Pac-Man on mobile is that you can, for only a little more money, play Ms. Pac-Man for Prizes--the same game with additional benefits.
Bears nearly no resemblance to Doom. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
This hack-and-slash action/role-playing game is pleasant, but it just doesn't live up to its ambition and ends up feeling small and empty.
Jet Grind Radio is one of those "something for everyone" games that really make a perfect addition to the Dreamcast library.
In the final analysis, K1 is a perfect game to rent for a couple nights.
The gameplay becomes incredibly monotonous almost immediately.
When all is said and done, Micro Maniacs is just another Micro Machines game.
If you were a fan of X Games Pro Boarder, then you'll definitely like MTV Sports: Snowboarding since it's really the "unofficial" sequel.
EA has done this sequel right, making a good game much, much better.
NBA Live 98 is an improvement over Live 97 in almost every category.
How has this mediocre series endured such a long run?
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee is a very smart game with great puzzles, yet there's not enough variety in those puzzles to keep it completely entertaining throughout.
A great deal of the game's potential depth is sacrificed for the sake of speedy real-time action.
Mario Kart 64 or Diddy Kong Racing are still better bets, since the Choro-Q 64 engine is showing its age and showing it badly.
Its primary flaw is oversimplicity on all fronts.
While Ray Tracers is a pretty neat game, it's way too easy and far too short to purchase.
It's a shame that someone decided to go and spoil a decent adventure game by including action elements.
Yes, hitting people while driving a motorcycle is that much fun.
If you've got young kids in your family, they'll likely enjoy it a lot.
Rugrats: The Movie for the Game Boy is the only way you can relive the surprise hit without buying a VCR
This is the most popular sim of all time, cranked up to a high-tech gloss and packaged with all the popular expansion sets.
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