Fans of the series will undoubtedly call Madden NFL 2000 the best incarnation of the series thus far.
Ever wanted to play pool against Satan? Hey, who hasn't?
It isn't a horrible game, but other than offering a strong simulation aspect, there's not much there.
Mario Kart 64 or Diddy Kong Racing are still better bets, since the Choro-Q 64 engine is showing its age and showing it badly.
While Thunder does a good job of looking like real wrestling, the gameplay just doesn't hold up.
Rugrats: The Movie for the Game Boy is the only way you can relive the surprise hit without buying a VCR
Catch the excitement of the Bass Masters Classic on Game Boy Color! Features accurate fish behavior that depends on lure, water weather conditions as well as varied game modes, numerous ...
Despite the simplistic nature of the game and sheer mediocrity of many of the game elements, Ballistic is still a fairly fun puzzle game with a refreshingly new premise.
WCW Nitro is just a rehash of the PlayStation version, only it's about a year too late.
Based on the Disney feature Mulan enthusiasts play as the young woman, Fa Mulan, as she attempts to regain the honor of her family name. Disguised as a soldier, players ...
If you've got young kids in your family, they'll likely enjoy it a lot.
Remember WCW vs. NWO: World Tour, THQ's last Nintendo 64 wrestling game? Revenge builds on the previous game but makes most of the same mistakes.
Even if you aren't a bowling fan, and couldn't care less about this game, you really should see the video clips at least once.
It's a shame that someone decided to go and spoil a decent adventure game by including action elements.
This hack-and-slash action/role-playing game is pleasant, but it just doesn't live up to its ambition and ends up feeling small and empty.
Unlike the legions of Tetris clones that populate the puzzle-game market, Devil Dice is as unique a game as its predecessor was and about ten times as hard.
Its primary flaw is oversimplicity on all fronts.
On the basis of AI improvements alone, World Cup 98 is highly recommended.
TOCA Touring Car Championship is basically a mix of Gran Turismo and Destruction Derby.
As a total package, Tomb Raider for Game Boy Color delivers a degree of immersion not realized since Tomb Raider 2.
Triple Play 2001 is a perfect example of how good ideas can go horribly awry.
Tennis fans should be in heaven after playing Virtua Tennis.
Even with its graphical difficulties, WCW Nitro is still the best WCW-licensed wrestling game out there.
You may want to rent WCW vs. NWO before purchasing it.
All in all, WCW is a solid wrestling game.
The little things that debut in SmackDown, such as a never-ending season mode and inklings of a plot, really make the game feel fresh and new.
If you've played Revenge, you already know exactly what to expect from Wrestlemania 2000.
If you miss the days of Elite and Privateer, then chances are you'll love X: Beyond the Frontier.
Unlike recent games that attempt to imitate the gameplay and style of Micro Machines, Micro Machines 1 and 2: Twin Turbo proves that nothing can improve on a series that ...
If you can tolerate its problems, you'll find that Summoner has an interesting combat system, an intriguing story, and an enjoyable multiplayer mode to boot.
Based on the movie of the same name, Rugrats in Paris is a 3D platformer that uses the characters from the popular television show and loosely follows the plot of ...
Though it has an unusual story, lots of spoken dialogue, and a substantial amount of gameplay, it also has frustrating action sequences and some noticeable technical problems.
If you're expecting SmackDown! with better graphics and more modes, you'll be disappointed by Royal Rumble's tightly focused gameplay.
While it isn't that much different from the last SmackDown!, SmackDown! 2 makes enough incremental changes and upgrades to be significant in its own right.
If you're still drooling over Wrestlemania 2000, then the roster updates, graphical refinements, bonus secrets, and new modes found in WWF No Mercy should be more than enough to keep ...
The game's combat system is executed so well that it saves the game from being just another cookie-cutter beat-'em-up.
Even with the graphical faults and the general lack of innovation over its predecessor, Battle for Naboo is still a fun mission-based shooter, as well as one of the best ...
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