This game will let players assume the role of a police officer, firefighter, or paramedic on a series of rescue missions.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire is based on the Disney movie of the same name and follows the exploits of four characters from the movie as they attempt to discover the ...
It's really a shame that THQ opted to adopt a password feature instead of the battery-save option, because it has added a lot of hassle to what would otherwise be ...
From a gameplay standpoint, the game falls flat.
Although Red Faction rarely outstrips the games it draws inspiration from, the fact that there are times when it shows them up at all is pretty impressive.
THQ will excercise its Power Rangers license on Nintendo's 32-bit hand held.
THQ has managed to re-create a decade of Halloween specials into a single GBC game that's bound to give series fans hours of recreation.
There is no evidence to suggest that children would actually enjoy playing a game this unremarkable--let alone adults.
The developers fared well in bringing some role-playing game conventions into the third dimension, but they weren't as successful with others.
The premise of the game is gimmicky, but after its sordid skin is peeled away, a true gem of a 3D platformer is revealed.
The game is brief, but the tale it tells provides plenty of classic Scooby-Doo antics.
While the game could be a touch easier and a tad less repetitive, it's still a fine addition to the 2D action genre.
Mercedes-Benz Truck Racing allows the player to race in up to eight trucks. Players can compete championship mode or multiplayer on a total of eleven tracks.
Tennis fans should be in heaven after playing Virtua Tennis.
Even with the graphical faults and the general lack of innovation over its predecessor, Battle for Naboo is still a fun mission-based shooter, as well as one of the best ...
Landing vert tricks and pulling off long grinds can be a chore, because the game has a seemingly random system of determining whether or not your bike is straight enough ...
Evil Dead: Hail to the King unfortunately offers little of the appeal of its source material, as everything about the game is derivative, boring, or just plain bad.
Customized robots do battle in this adaptation of the popular TV show.
Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online will take the hit sci-fi brand into the massively multiplayer online genre.
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw makes its way to the PC.
Company of Heroes Online is an online multiplayer real-time-strategy game that is free to download and play.
THQ describes the Disney Animatorl as the "killer app" for the uDraw tablet.
WWE Brawl offers an over-the-top, out-of-the-ring take on pro wrestling with a Saturday morning cartoon feel.
Saints Row: The Third - Enter the Dominatrix is a stand-alone expansion that adds super powers.
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