Hello Kitty Jum-pa offers platform-style gameplay on mobile phones.
Even though Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over doesn't compare to most of the other action games available for the GBA, it's still enjoyable.
Jet Grind Radio is one of those "something for everyone" games that really make a perfect addition to the Dreamcast library.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the GBA has little in common with the popular TV series it's based on, and it's a bad game to boot.
Combine rows of cubes of the same type in this puzzle game.
Any chance to enjoy Space Channel 5: Ulala's Cosmic Attack is swept away by the unforgiving timing required to play the game.
Unfortunately, Big Mutha Truckers falls short of successfully achieving its goals and thus never fully reaches its potential.
Tetris Worlds is the best option for console gamers looking for some online puzzle action.
Based on the Rugrats Go Wild movie, this game let you play as the Rugrats and Thornberrys characters as they survive a ship wreck and wander through a desert island ...
The game offers an experience that's different enough from the competition to warrant some attention, but is still quite similar in that only horse racing enthusiasts will get much out ...
MotoGP2 for the PC falls short of its potential.
Sega Arcade Gallery for the GBA includes accurate conversions of OutRun, Super Hang-On, and Space Harrier, as well as a so-so rendition of After Burner.
Whether or not you'll take to A Fistful of Boomstick will hinge primarily on your appreciation of Bruce Campbell's speaking voice and your love of cheesy one-liners.
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