When you're playing an action game, the last thing you want to do is to stand around regaining stamina while there are still aliens left to fight.
ATV Offroad Fury 2 makes a few incremental improvements to the existing ATV Offroad Fury formula.
All of the Rugrats babies, including Chuckie's new stepsister Kimi, will be in this new Rugrats game.
This Game Boy Advance game is based upon the Nickelodeon property of the same name.
If you're even a casual fan of the WWE, you can't go wrong with SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth.
With better BMX or action sports games already available on the Xbox, Toxic Grind is left out in the cold.
If you like the WWE, you'll probably enjoy WWE Road to WrestleMania X8.
Velocity X does a good job of re-creating the toy car experience.
The game's single-player campaign is pretty short, but Red Faction II can still offer some good shooting action for fans of the genre.
In Jimmy's latest adventure, Jimmy must travel to another dimension to thwart his alter ego's plans to take over the world.
Sega Smash Pack for the Game Boy Advance could have been better.
Summoner 2 is by and large a very good adventure role-playing game, with a memorable cast of characters and plenty of pure action.
Based on the motion picture debuting holiday 2002, the game stars Eliza Thornberry as she escapes from the safety of her boarding school into the Serengeti Plain and faces her ...
The monsters of Monstropolis learn the power of laughter in Disney/Pixar's Monsters, Inc. for GameCube. Gameplay features a unique dodge ball-style match set in special stadium arenas where your favorite ...
The Wild Force Rangers must protect Turtle Cove from ancient evil monsters that have come back to life in this action game.
Rescue victims in distress in this game set in the Matchbox universe.
Stuart Little 2 pushes no boundaries and takes no chances.
If you've been yearning for a good driving game for your GBA, look no further than GT Advance 2.
If you missed out on MX 2002, Superfly is a perfect place to start.
You don't have to know or appreciate the source material to really enjoy The Pinball of the Dead.
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