If you're looking for a fun wrestling game for the GameCube, then you'll definitely want to check out WrestleMania X8.
Certainly, there are worse games sitting on the store shelf. But not many.
Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights is a good game and an excellent re-creation of a cherished cartoon.
A variety of track and field events will be featured in THQ's licensed GBA sports game.
Use the most up-to-date lures, bait, fish finders, and boating equipment in four game modes that challenge you to find the biggest bass in some of the world's best fishing ...
Britney's Dance Beat can actually provide an enjoyable if short-lived experience, and it serves as a good introduction for the uninitiated to the world of rhythm games.
Its clever design and gorgeous visuals more than compensate for any deficiency.
While it doesn't have as many tracks or as much replay value as we'd like, MotoGP definitely deserves a spot on your shelf.
Actually competing in a deadly chariot race is an intriguing concept for a game, but Circus Maximus doesn't manage to make the experience all that exciting.
The game's combat system is executed so well that it saves the game from being just another cookie-cutter beat-'em-up.
WWE Raw unfortunately does little to fill the wrestling void in PC gaming.
The joy of Puyo Pop lies in its gameplay.
Although it's not as energetic or complex as many modern-day puzzle games, it doesn't really disappoint in any specific area either.
It's ultimately a satisfying experience thanks to a mix of classic Sonic 2D gameplay, a familiar cast of characters, and new technology.
Many of its little touches are quite impressive, but there are clearly more memorable shooters of its kind already available.
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