Not the sequel many were hoping for, but it's still a decent beat-'em-up that should please people who go into it knowing exactly what they're getting.
Freely explore Myst IV's imaginative and remarkably lifelike worlds as you try to push past the game's near-impenetrable puzzle barriers.
If you're looking for a good chess program that's packed with a plethora of features and all the bells and whistles, you'll be very happy with Chessmaster 10th Edition.
This isn't the Abraham Lincoln of political strategy games, but it isn't the Jimmy Carter either.
Black Arrow will be instantly appealing to anybody who enjoyed Rainbow Six 3, and it also makes a great place to start for newcomers to this intense tactical shooter series.
This compilation pack includes Uru: Ages of Myst and its two expansions, To D'ni and The Path of the Shell.
If you're a fan of the series or just want to play an action adventure in which you can hack up tons of ugly monsters--with style--then this game is just ...
While Syberia II isn't all that fans might have hoped for, it's still a very fine game and likely to provide you with hours of enjoyment.
Serious adventure gamers will find little use for Dark Motives, but serious fans of the CSI TV show will likely take something positive away from it.
The single-player and multiplayer portions of Pandora Tomorrow are both highly impressive and add up to an experience that will surely appeal to anyone remotely interested in a game of ...
Far Cry isn't just a stunning technical accomplishment. It's quite possibly the best single-player first-person shooter experience for the PC since Half-Life.
Jungle Storm is a decent enough vehicle for more Ghost Recon, if that's what you're after, but the franchise is really starting to show its age at this late date.
Rainbow Six Gold includes the scenarios from both Raven Shield as well as Athena Sword.
If you fancy yourself a skilled Internet sleuth, Missing may prove to be an engrossing and unique experience.
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly may be light on challenge, but it's still rich in great, dark atmosphere.
Get three of Red Storm's classic tactical action games in one package: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, and The Sum of All Fears.
Experience the pirate's life in Puzzle Pirates, an online game that mixes swashbuckling and puzzle-solving. In this pirate-themed world, you can trade items as a merchant, drink rum with your ...
While the GameCube isn't exactly long on off-road racing games, you can certainly find something better than Masters of Metal.
Mucha Lucha! Mascaritas of the Lost Code is a game so utterly devoid of challenge that actually calling it a game almost seems too generous.
After more than a decade, Ubisoft's beloved action/adventure Beyond Good and Evil is receiving a sequel that's years in the making itself.
Innergy is a unique wellness game that will be available to players for the Mac.
QuestMania is a role-playing game by Nadeo.
Silent Hunter Online is a free-to-play browser-based multiplayer game from Ubisoft.
In Arcatera you play an adventurer who comes to the town of Senora and finds that an evil cult called the Black Sun has taken hold of the town and ...
The developers of Rayman 2 are up to their usual tricks, this time creating a platformer with a markedly darker tone.
This naval combat simulation game features a highly detailed 3D environment and a campaign written by Larry Bond.
As Amanda, a single mother who has lost her daughter in a terrible accident, you discover that hell has become a graveyard for souls that should rightly be in heaven. ...
Moderngroove Entertainment will release a self-titled music game on the PlayStation 2.
The game picks up where the film left off. E.T. returns to his home planet and discovers that things are not as he left them.
The key to this collection is that each game soars to the top of its respective genre.
Driver is a game that might be mediocre in its presentation but more than makes up for it in its gameplay and concept.
The Dukes of Hazzard: Racing For Home could have been an outstanding game, but the game is simply too easy and way too buggy to succeed.
Avid fans of King's Field and Shadow Tower will likely love Eternal Ring, but others may want to try the game out first.
Evergrace is just shy of average - there's nothing particularly bad here, but what little good it has is purely incidental and generally ignorable.
There is no real reason why RPG fans shouldn't go for this one; it's a genuinely satisfying experience, even if it is a bit textbook in execution and scope.
F1 Pole Position will put the hurt on you.
F1 Racing Simulation is an extremely well-thought-out simulation with driversof all abilities in mind.
No need to waste time clamoring about lousy feature film to video game metamorphoses; let's just say that Activision's The Fifth Element PlayStation game is a textbook example of the ...
The game's best features are all but lost behind a poorly designed interface, insidious crash bugs, and a handful of design flaws.
Final Fantasy XI is an online RPG that manages to break the mold, if just barely--but, actually, that's no mean feat.
While the game is technically proficient, the unbelievably lame speech and camera problems make Gex: Enter the Gecko a frustrating title at best.
Grandia is every bit as worthwhile as Final Fantasy VIII, just in different ways.
Game Arts has put together a solid RPG with Grandia II, even if it isn't as deep or difficult as the original.
A few screamed expletives and chucked controllers later, you are rewarded with the sight of Hello Kitty Angel, and honestly, what more could you possibly want?
Now you'll be able to play with your favorite Playmobil knights on the run.
Revolution Software's In Cold Blood might just be the most intruiging espionage game since Metal Gear Solid.
Jade Cocoon is easily one of the best-looking games of the year.
Killer Loop has enough differences to give it its own identity, ruining perfectly good lines such as "Wipeout done by a cover band."
Don't buy an F-1 title before first taking this game out for a spin.
Help Mort the Chicken defeat a host of sinister cubes. Yes, cubes.
It's a fun and mostly unpredictable platform game.
It's simple to an extreme, but there's at least one amazing moment in each track that will keep your engine revving to the next.
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