Dungeon Hunter Alliance is a game for the PlayStation Vita from Ubisoft.
Asphalt 3D brings the Asphalt franchise to the 3DS.
Lead the Ghosts, the most elite special forces unit in the US Army, across multiple tactical missions to prevent a war from breaking out.
Fit in Six is a new fitness game for the PlayStation 3 and Wii.
The $1,000,000 Pyramid is based off the TV game show that pits duo against duo in a bid to reach the Winner's Circle.
Petz Bunnyz Bunch has players raising bunnies.
We Dare is a sexy, quirky, party game that offers a large variety of challenges.
Two Worlds II is an RPG that builds upon the original game.
Zeit Squared is a side-scrolling action game with a twist of time-travel elements.
Care for and bond with a whole family of adorable cats.
Create and care for your own virtual baby in Baby Life.
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Unsolved! uses the Nintendo DS touch screen for an improved pick-up-and-play experience.
Michael Jackson is an interactive performance-based video game inspired by the legendary King of Pop.
Romp through ancient history in this time-traveling platformer featuring those wacky Rabbids.
Battle Tag is a laser tag game for the PC.
Ezio returns in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood as he struggles against the powerful Templar Order . Defeating the corrupt tyrants entrenched there will require not only strength, but leadership, as Ezio ...
Blast your way through a conflict-torn Russia in this cooperative on-rails shooter that allows you to choose when to move from cover to cover.
Ghost Recon Predator takes place deep in the jungles of Sri Lanka.
Family Feud Decades pits two families against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to survey-type questions posed to 100 people.
The Settlers - Kingdoms of Anteria is the first game of the series with a unique combination of persistent city building and real time strategy action. Players build up a prosperous economy ...
Train Simulator will be a joy for anyone with even a passing interest in trains.
Zoo Tycoon is a mostly enjoyable strategy game that's suitable for all ages, and it's a game that parents can play with their children.
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land is easily one of the best PC-style role-playing games to ever grace a console.
Manhattan Project is occasionally frustrating, but when it's good, it's very, very good.
Moderngroove Entertainment will release a self-titled music game on the PlayStation 2.
Unless you happen to like frustration, or you love Batman fanatically, or both, you're better off leaving Batman: Vengeance alone.
The lack of online play really hurts the game.
Featuring lots of interesting, inventive design decisions, plenty of fun-to-use units, and tons of variety, Age of Mythology is the last real-time strategy game you'll need for a long time.
The game picks up where the film left off. E.T. returns to his home planet and discovers that things are not as he left them.
Anyone looking for an exciting mascot racing game won't find too much to like here once the thrill of four-player multiplayer has worn off.
Unfortunately, Rocky is completely spoiled by a few major problems.
It's a well-made game that defies a few aesthetic conventions but leaves most tried-and-true Japanese RPG gameplay elements well enough alone.
Batman: Chaos in Gotham does well by following a storyline that would have appeared in the comic book or animated series and dressed it up with an assortment of gaming ...
If you haven't played any of the UFC games before, or if you've been waiting for the series to come to the PlayStation 2, then Throwdown makes a fine introduction.
Jade Cocoon 2 is much better than its predecessor, retaining and improving on its predecessor's strengths, but it lacks that special something that makes it more than the sum of ...
It's a solid but unremarkable addition to the aging tactical shooter.
Each mission is tightly scripted and offers almost zero chance for freedom or exploration, which means there's very little replay value.
This game will feature six official events based on the 2002 Olympic Winter Games.
Lock On clearly has the potential to be an all-time classic sim, but there are some serious problems in the retail version.
In the Comanche series' fourth installment, NovaLogic has gone back to what it does best--making flight sims with as much bang-per-flight-minute as possible.
Namco's RPG is coming to the PSP handheld system.
If you're a fan of puzzle games, you should definitely give this one a try.
The new game has a broader focus, one that will interest returning veterans of the first game, and it greatly improves the tutorial and documentation to ease the significant learning ...
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