While I wouldn't call Marvel vs. Capcom the most balanced fighting game in the world, it makes up for its shortcomings by simply being a whole lot of fun.
If you can brave its shortcomings, Resident Evil 2 is good, scary fun.
If you're looking for an easy-to-pick-up fighting game that puts a slightly new spin on the old fighting genre, Rival Schools fits the bill pretty well.
Are those two fighters really smoking opium in that igloo?
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter is all about the tag team mode, and with the overall exclusion of this mode, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter is just another ...
If you're looking for a fun multiplayer action game, SubSpace is for you.
Fans hoping for a complete collection must keep on waiting.
Just about every element within it presents a new twist on what has now become a fairly predictable PC gaming category.
It's unfortunate that there are so many failings in Sabre Ace, since the overall package, subject matter, and mission structure are all good.
It's Circle of Blood with new characters, a new storyline, and a new threat to world harmony.
One of the more original and exciting fighting games this year.
Blade Runner is an interesting mood piece, but somewhere along the production line, someone forgot to include a game.
A 3D Street Fighter game worthy of its heritage.
The developers were headed in the right direction, but in the end they fail on both fronts.
It is a remarkable achievement and a game that many will savor and struggle with for weeks and weeks.
Some video games cater to hard-core fanatics of a specific genre.
Starfleet Academy looks and plays no better than space combat games from two years ago.
You'd probably be better served by NHL 98 or NHL Breakaway '98.
The graphics, gameplay, and humor make a unique mix that results in a truly fresh title.
This Paradox-developed fighter was originally scheduled to be published by Virgin, but it was eventually canceled.
This space piracy game features both space combat and first-person shooting, and it is built on the Unreal Warfare engine.
Falcone: Into the Maelstrom combines elements of space shooters with those of a first-person shooter
A snooker gaem featuring Jimmy White.
Icewind Dale: The Collection combines the original Icewind Dale with the Heart of Winter expansion. The Collection also includes a soundtrack disc and strategy guide.
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