As an official member of S.C.A.T. (Sega Control Attack Team) your mission's a time-bomb. Five beautiful co-eds are being stalked in an eerie estate. Hooded intruders are invading the mansion ...
The Genesis version of Mortal Kombat contained all the arcade fatalities via a special blood code.
This Paradox-developed fighter was originally scheduled to be published by Virgin, but it was eventually canceled.
This space piracy game features both space combat and first-person shooting, and it is built on the Unreal Warfare engine.
Falcone: Into the Maelstrom combines elements of space shooters with those of a first-person shooter
A snooker gaem featuring Jimmy White.
Action on the Playstation is seldom more fun.
The designers have made a great game by creating an experience that is entertaining and challenging.
While the first game played decently - and looked great - the sequels have not improved on it significantly, and Toshinden Subaru is no exception.
While Trick'n Snowboarder may not pack enough original mojo to rise far above other well-known titles in its genre, it plays fast and looks good.
Like most other Resident Evil clones, the game just doesn't capture the magic of the Resident Evil series.
For those who are new to WinBack, it will be a nice, stealthy diversion until Metal Gear Solid 2 is released later this year.
For those of you who have always considered strategy games a trifle dry for your tastes, I give you Z, the alcoholic, head-banging, gap-toothed, punch-drunk, inbred cousin of Command & ...
Overall, Zone Raiders is an entertaining game that is fun to play for short periods of time, but don't expect this one to be permanently lodged in your CD-ROM drive.
Super Hornet contains none of the extras that make a flight simulation a complete package, even though there's a good flight simulator at its core.
A game that carries the level of polish, playability, and fun that Tech Romancer does deserves to see a handful of sequels, each building on the mythos established here.
A popular arcade release, Third Strike features a variety of characters, technical level of gameplay, and an evasion and counterattack system.
The Art of Magic is an interesting game whose every strength seems to be hurt by a related weakness.
Dino Crisis 2 avoids the stereotypes of the genre and delivers one of the most refreshing takes on the third-person action shooter to date.
Mr. Driller is a cute and quirky puzzler that lacks the variety to make it a long-term contender for your attention like a Puzzle Fighter or Tetris would. At a ...
While EX2 Plus adds a few features and some new characters to the mix, it doesn't really have the overall flair that made the first game stand out.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 takes the series' long-running brand of fighting insanity a step or two further, making for Capcom's flashiest 2D fighter to date.
It's well suited for fans of Black Isle Studios' previous games, classic hack-and-slash AD&D computer games, and anyone looking for an action-packed role-playing game with a lot of depth.
With its great cast of characters, fun story, and toe-tapping soundtrack, Incredible Crisis provides an incredibly satisfying, albeit incredibly short, video game experience.
Titus the Fox is a platformer starring the mascot of the company developing and publishing the game, Titus.
It's a definitive role-playing experience, and the only reason it can't be called the best game in its class is because in a sense there's nothing available that compares to ...
Caesar's Palace 2000: Millennium Gold Edition lets players try their luck at six card games, five slot machines, and other table games such as roulette and craps.
Guilty Gear X runs on the NAOMI arcade board, and it could well be the most beautiful 2D fighter yet, with its feature high-resolution character sprites and backgrounds.
A helicopter simulation where a variety of search and rescue missions are flown in a Dolphin HH65.
Bomberman Party Edition manages to succeed where many previous attempts have failed, delivering an uproariously enjoyable multiplayer experience.
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