Battle Chasers: Nightwar is an RPG featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and tons of secrets, story and randomly-generated replay goodness.
Lost in Harmony is telling a moving story only by music.
Dungeon of the Endless is a rogue-like dungeon defense game with a pinch of RPG.
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is a fast-paced platformer with a twist that derives its name from the protagonist, a little girl stuck in a dream world.
Sine Mora is a side-scrolling shooting game dealing with time manipulation.
This is the follow-up title to 2008's popular hit, de Blob.
Play as one of the four Horseman of the apocalypse in this action adventure game.
No games on this platform have been released yet!
Bounce, ricochet, and swing through Chroma City as you, de Blob, try to restore the world's drained color.
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