Must Have - Buy it !

User Rating: 9.5 | Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts PC
From the opening mission there seems to be something inherently wrong about playing a computer game which involves one of the most sickening scenes in history - The D-Day landings. COH remains historically accurate and has to best the best RTS of this genre. From the opening sequence, anyone who doesn't have a lump in their throats cannot be human, and there aren't many games which can make you feel moved with emotion like this does.

Following on from the main game released last year, Opposing Fronts is slick and polished, with amazing cut scenes which come with regularity linking the story from mission to mission. The production is pure excellence. It makes the recent World in Conflict look laughable by comparison.

Graphics remain top notch, sound is wonderful and once you start playing you cant put it down.

The only thing where this game falls down is the AI. For example you can order a unit to move and often it will take the longest way round.

Nevertheless, despite the minor flaws this is a must buy game and I hope there are further expansions to come.

Graphics 10
Sound 10
Game play 9.5