A VERY short expansion. The same game engine with some poor "new" features", very disappointing.
The game is a gray shadow of the first two (excellent) deliveries, the AI is dumb...so easy to defeat. As an example of the dumb and weak AI are all the missions, but the Tiger Ace campaign is fool proof, even a 2 year old kid can beat it in hard, a shame for the programmers.
The tiger is almost indestructible. This and the superior firepower means the allies bots has no chance.
And where are the campaigns?
This sequel is about 3 "long" missions. Nothing else.
This sequel MUST be DLC for the owners of the previous games, it not worth the money they ask for.
It´s a shame that relic, a respected RTS developer delivers a poorly designed game with poorly AI. We don´t deserve it.
Apologize and refund!