Probably One of the best RTS's ever made.
Company Of Heroes (CoH) takes you back to WW2 in France. You and you're squad have to go to quite a few missions to achieve their goal. When you first play the game you don't really understand what you have to do and it doesn't looks like a great RTS since you can't build anything and you don't have control of any vehicles but when you play a bit longer you get hooked to it and you really starting to like the strategy movements you have to do in the game. After a few missions you eventually gain control over vehicles and you can build buildings like in all RTS games.
Why CoH makes such a great game is the strategy part. What i mean: In other RTS games you often need to build a huge army and hope you have more men then the opponent has. Well in CoH the battles have more strategy , you can't really build tons of units and you have to place your bets carefully.
Besides the great gameplay , the game looks great and the missions are very variable, this game is just a must-have for RTS-fans.