Company Of Heroes (CoH) represents the pinacle of RTS gaming. From realistic gameplay to epic campaigns.
Mini Review( For those just browsing)
(+)Epic campaign Physics in a RTS Everything is destructable (e.g. buildings, walls, roads) Intelligent AI gives a real challenge once your experianced FPS feel added to an RTS game Level of detail
(-)Low population limits Somewhat boring skirmish mode Unrefined save game system Merciless Germans give no chances to begginers (in skirmish) Lags on older Pcs unlike other RTS games
CoH is outstanding, it manages to bring RTS gaming and WWII authenticity together without much flaws. The only thing I can say I'm dissapointed in is the unrefined save game system. But because of my nature, I always play the advanced tutorial, followed by the skirmish lastly campaign. I was dissapointed to learn that the skirmish has enemies who would decapitate an opposing baby if it shook its rattle. Thats right, their cruel, but on the plus side, they can offer a challenge better than anything I've seen onced your experianced enough, of coarse.
Make no mistake, this is the real thing. The first RTS to feature real physics. For example, a tank fires on the west window of a house. That particular window explodes together with the infantryman who's standing by that window. no other part of the structure is damaged. Incredible. Infantry automaticaly look for cover during artillary strikes or raids. They even shout commands to each other. Wow. They can lay down sandbags for cover and tanktraps to prevent tanks from crossing important roads. Even artillary strikes give movie like effects, blasting dirt 100 metres in the air. Extrodinary. Another cool feature in gameplay is that every weapon type is taken into account and what you hit determines what happens. Which is usually only included in FPS games. Tanks take absolutely no damage from rifle fire but the gunner firing the heavy machine gun on top of the tank can be shot dead.And tanks shot in the rear take damage to their engines, making them immobile. Victory between a Sherman Tank (Aliied Light Tank) and the superior Panzer IV (Axis main battle tank) can be determined by the use of tactics. The lighter, quicker Sherman can flank the Panzer in a suprise attack and hit its rear, making the destruction of the Panzer, a walk in the park. I thought you could only do this in a FPS!
The graphics here are fantastic. In some cases better than call of Duty 2. Now imagine THAT in the scale of a typical RTS game. Relic Studious has paid so much attention to detail. you can see the look on your troops faces, the scratches on your sherman, every detail you normaly see in games like Call Of Duty, you can see here. Explsions are extra satisfactory. Of coarse, graphic detail can be tuned down to suite low- end Pcs, but this game is worth that extra hardware upgrade.
System Requirements:
I played CoH on a mid-spec laptop and a low-spec Pc. 1) on the laptop, I had to lower EVERYTHING from shaders to model detail to the lowest to give a smooth performance the laptop specs are: Pentium IV 1.73 GHz Intel Onboard mobile graphics 512 RAM basically anything better than a Dell(tm) D610 should be playeble. 2) on the low-spec Pc, I could set the model detail to max and the effects detail to max with everything else on low and still get a decent performance. The specs are : Pentium IV 2.66 GHz ATi Radeon 9600 128mb 512 RAM all current ATi drivers for 9600 series
Other important notes:
Skirmish missions are alright but you might need a lot of training as the AI is fantastic even on easy mode. The only difference is they kill you faster in harder settings. And there is only a limited amount of maps and only two sides to choose from Allied(US) and Axis(Germans).But you can choose your speciallity (example:armoured attacks, paratroopers, riflemen) once you start the game.
THQ and Relic have done their best work yet by minimizing economicle management and increasing tactical management like in DAWN OF WAR. Its best to try out other WWII shooters first to get the WWII spirit going ( I recommend Brothers In Arms or Call Of Duty 2).