Absolutely brilliant. This game is nothing if not the next plateau in RTS games; the one all others need to surpass!!

User Rating: 10 | Company of Heroes PC
I read a print review (in PC Gamer I think) that listed "Too much to mention!" as one of the PROS of Company. That's pretty much my feeling as well; there's just so much that they've done right with this game that it's almost too hard to try and sum it up.

In my opinion, Company of Heroes is about as balanced, polished, and easy-to-learn as an RTS can get. The single player campaign is amazing and truly sucks you in. None of the units, from the humble rifleman to the awesome M26 Pershing tank, ever feels useless. Even against an armored car, riflemen can win by using sticky bombs. They'll suffer casualties, yes, but you can reinforce the squad and keep that more experienced unit in the fight (and for future missions). A sniper can hold off a whole enemy squad if placed in the right building. Hit-and-run attacks with a Crocodile flame tank against garrisoned buildings can clear the way for your footsoldiers. Tank battles require more than "I have more units than you, so I win" swarm tactics; if you maneuver to hit enemy tanks from the side or rear, your two Shermans can easily win against superior numbers. Mortars and artillery soften up enemy locations for your attacks. It just goes on and on and on....

I haven't been this geeked on *any* RTS game since the glorious heyday of Starcraft...and I like Company even more. It rewards strategic thinking and tactics far more than any of the previous generation of clickfests in the genre, and I just know I am going to spend a whole pile of hours online playing against human opponents. EVen if I lose, I know I'm going to have tons 'o fun charging into batle with a hearty cry of "Johnson!! Tie your god****ed shoelaces!!!!"