Sorry to blot the page but I don't actually think it is very good!

User Rating: 5.8 | Company of Heroes PC
Okay, I expect you all to click that my review was Unhelpful but anyway:
I followed the previews for CoH for months and got the impression that (as the title implies...) you would get a company of heroes to command, which could capture buildings and vehicles and each use certain weapons to complete missions. I was therefore extremely disappointed with this resource capturing nonsense and army building. I am looking forward to that sort of thing in Dawn of War (not played that yet but glad it was a 'bonus' with CoH as I greatly enjoyed Warcraft III, which is supposed to be very similar) but with CoH I was expecting a souped-up version of Soldiers: Heroes of WWII (best RTS action ever!).
It also took me a while to get into CoH but when I eventually got there I became bored very quickly and have left it unfinished. In frustration I bought Faces of War - a ruined follow up to Soldiers but hopefully the patch will help that - and am now on Panzers 2 in total desperation. Okay, compared to CoH the graphics are pants but it's simply more fun to play and with a story and characters that keep you interested. Blitzkrieg Anthology also waits on my shelf before CoH gets more attention.
Above them all, I will just play Soldiers over again as that is just a riot - and more realistic as you forage for resources from bodies and supply crates. In Soldiers you also run out of bullets and grenades if you are not careful whereas in CoH your gun is always full. Finally to finish of my moan, and since when did a Stug ever storm a town square? It's not a tank; it's mobile artillery!